Panta rhei: everything flows. Our world, climate and environment is changing. Water is at the center of this global change, and providing safe water and sanitation to the citizens of the world is more challenging than ever before. The symposium program will cover all aspects of health related water microbiology in the whole water cycle in our changing world. It will cover basic and applied research, and how to turn this knowledge into impact.


Global change and water safety
• Epidemiology of waterborne and water-based diseases
• Drinking water and health
• Recreational water and health
• Water reuse and health
• Water, food and health

Global change and microbial hazards
• Pathogens in water
• Pathogens in aerosols
• Antimicrobial resistance in water
• Survival, persistence, transport, fate
• Extreme weather events and pathogen health risks
• Climate change and pathogen health risks
• Pandemics and waterborne pathogens

New tools
• Novel methods
• Metagenomics, metaviromics, bioinformatics
• Microbial source tracing
• Modelling and prediction

Water as information source for health
• Wastewater surveillance of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance
• QMRA, decision analysis, water safety plans

Control options in a changing world
• Catchment protection
• Water treatment and disinfection
• Biostability
• Criteria, standards and monitoring

• Showcasing good examples of science-to-impact
• Tools and measures supporting safe water and sanitation in developing countries
• Water management in disaster situations and extreme events