The Netherlands was host to the 2nd seminar of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control (IAWPRC) Study Group on Virology (the predecessor of IWA and the Health-Related Water Microbiology Specialist Group) in 1984 in Amsterdam/Bilthoven. The proceedings, which are published in Water Science and Technology Vol. 17, No. 10, 1985, show that the focus in this 2nd seminar was viruses: methods, occurrence in surface, groundwater, drinking water, virus survival, disinfection and removal by wastewater treatment processes.
Lees verder: Health related Water Microbiology conferencesThe proceedings also show the names of the health-related water microbiologists that we all recognize, some as young scientist and still active in our field today. We feel that now, some 40 years later, it is appropriate to return to the Netherlands to see how our Specialist Group and research has evolved and expanded, and showcase the great current achievements in our research field that we are making world-wide, based on the work of our predecessors and in response to the challenges of our time.