We are delighted to host Watermicro25, the 22nd edition of the Health-Related Water Microbiology Specialist Group of the International Water Association in the Netherlands. Health-related water microbiology has a long and strong history in the Netherlands. Living in a country with a dense human and (farm) animal population, in the delta of several international rivers, yields a multitude of pressures on the microbial safety of water systems. Climate change is increasing the pressure, with more intense precipitation events and prolonged dry periods. At the same time, the Dutch people want to safely swim and recreate in the many bodies of water, including the canals of the cities, natural lakes and swimming pools. Consumers want safe drinking water (without the use of chlorine). Farmers need safe water (reuse) to irrigate the crops and cities want safe urban water systems to cope with heavy precipitation events.

Watermicro25 will bring together the global experts in the field of Health-Related Water Microbiology to exchange the latest developments in science and discuss their path to impact for the benefit of the global citizens.

We are preparing for a 22nd edition that carries the spirit of the WaterMicro conferences, with a main plenary program, good attention for poster presentations at an attractive venue with social events that stimulate networking and group interaction. We are very much looking forward to welcome you in 2025!
Ana Maria de Roda Husman & Gertjan Medema
Conference chairs